What We Do

At the center of all we do at Provision is the concept of reflective conversations. It's a practice that has been around for decades, initially implemented in high-burnout fields and now proven to be a powerful tool for all individuals and organizations to promote wellness and build stronger relationship.

Reflective conversations are designed to facilitate personal introspection, active listening and mutual understanding, thereby cultivating connections that drive both personal growth and organizational development.


Key Outcomes

  • Enhance self-awareness
  • Promote active listening and empathy
  • Resolve conflict
  • Solve problem collaboratively
  • Develop seasoned and emerging leaders
  • Cultivate continuous learning


Getting Started

Small Groups

Start a group at your organization to build skills, connections and culture.

Small Groups


Dive into key relational concepts and techniques leading the way to results.



Gain research-based tools and practices to improve relational health.
